Fact-Checking Policy

Aaj Kee Taaza Khabar is committed to delivering accurate information across all its content. We take several steps to ensure accuracy:

Investigating claims with skepticism: We question assumptions and challenge conventional wisdom to ensure the information we publish is well-founded.
Due diligence for accuracy: We strive to achieve appropriate accuracy for each content piece, considering its subject and nature. This involves citing reliable sources, basing information on available evidence, and being transparent about what we don’t know.
Avoiding plagiarism and distortion: Our journalists are committed to ethical practices and never intentionally plagiarize, distort facts, or present fabricated information.
Independent verification: We seek independent verification, especially for claims made by public officials or those with potential biases, to ensure information is credible. Uncorroborated information is typically attributed to its source.
Correcting errors promptly: We stand by the information we publish and acknowledge any proven inaccuracies. We correct factual errors swiftly and transparently, avoiding misleading audiences with outdated information.
Providing avenues for error reporting: We offer a “Suggest a Correction” section at the end of each online article for the public to report inaccuracies.

Multi-level fact-checking structure: Aaj Kee Taaza Khabar employs a multi-tiered fact-checking process for stories requiring heightened scrutiny. The seniority of editors involved in reviewing stories varies based on factors like complexity, sensitivity, and time constraints.

Our Correction Policy:

Despite our efforts, occasional errors may occur. When this happens, Aaj Kee Taaza Khabar takes full responsibility for rectifying the mistake and maintaining transparency to prevent the spread of misinformation.

Steps for error correction:


If you identify an error, please notify the Editor-in-Chief, immediately via email, phone, mail, or in person.
Email: maddy.avi2324@gmail.com
Subject: Correction Needed
Clearly state the error, the date/issue number of the publication, where you encountered the error (online, print, etc.), your name, and a reachable contact method (phone or email).
If applicable, include the correct information and a source for verification (e.g., meeting minutes for an incorrect vote tally).
Expect a response from the Editor-in-Chief and potential follow-up questions for clarification. Submitting a correction request doesn’t guarantee its publication, but it ensures proper investigation.

Upon notification of an error, the Editor-in-Chief will investigate using the information provided by the reader, along with other available resources like reporter notes and meeting minutes.
If the error is confirmed, the Editor-in-Chief will issue corrections across all platforms where the information was disseminated:
Print: The correction will be published on a designated page (e.g., Page 2A) in the next issue, specifying the issue, article, incorrect information, and the correction.
Online: The article will be rectified, and an editor’s note will be added at the bottom, explaining the error and the date of correction.
Social Media: A post will be published on relevant platforms like Facebook and Twitter, linking to the corrected article and acknowledging the correction.
Once corrections are implemented, the Editor-in-Chief will inform the reader who submitted the report about the actions taken.